Mind-Body Therapies

These are widely accepted as helpful in the treatment of many diseases.  I've provided a few resources so that you can develop a home practice of your own.  While finding an instructor would be the best option, this is not always possible.  With a little determination, you can learn to do this on your own.

They do work.  There are multiple studies on the effectiveness of these types of therapies.  If you wish, we could arrange an in office discussion or set aside time for instruction in some of these techniques.

The American Academy of Neurology recently published an article on these techniques in their magazine called Neurology Now.

Check it out.   Mindful of Pain. This is an article from the American Academy of Neurology


Learn are few simple non-denominational techniques.

Depression, Anxiety and Meditation

Dealing with these common problems in a new way

Christian Meditation

For those of you who are worried that meditation implies conversion to a eastern religions


Some resources for starting your own yoga practice.