

Back Care Basics: A Doctor’s Gentle Yoga Program for Back and Neck Pain Relief, by Mary Pullig Schatz.

Mindfulness Yoga: The Awakened Union of Breath, Body and Mind by Frank Jude Boccio.

This book discusses some Buddhist and Hindu religious beliefs.  However, this shouldn’t be reason to reject this book.  If this bothers you, I would just use his meditation techniques using the breath and body sensations and follow the yoga poses, ignoring his references to eastern religious practices.

Yoga Heals Your Back by Rita Trieger.


Power Yoga for Everybody the DVD (With Over 20 Workouts for All Levels of Students) from Bodywisdom Media.

All of these are available from

Yoga classes are available at several of the local bases.  I would watch a class before participating. Some classes can sometimes be very strenuous and may not be appropriate as a first step for some people with chronic pain.

Yoga for Specific Problems

Yoga Routine for Piriformis Syndrome

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