
Atherosclerosis is the buildup of cholesterol in the walls of your arteries. This buildup in the arteries of the heart can cause a heart attack.  In the wall of the carotid arteries supplying your brain can result in a stroke.  This buildup of cholesterol can block off blood supply to your legs causing pain when you try and walk or lead to amputations. 

Can You Reverse Atherosclerosis?

Yes,  Dr. Dean Ornish looked at reversing atherosclerosis over 10 years ago in the Lifestyle Heart Trial in 1998.  He asked patients make dramatic diet changes by going on a 10% fat vegetarian diet.  He asked them to exercise moderately (mostly walking).  He asked them to quit smoking and to learn some stress management techniques.  Those patients who made the most dramatic changes in diet had the most benefit and all of them saw their arteries opening up.  Those patients who made just a few dietary changes, had little to no benefit.  All of those that continued to eat their normal diet saw their arteries getting more and more clogged with atherosclerosis.

Numbers 1 and 2 are the most important by far.

1)  If you smoke, stop immediately.

2)  Change your diet dramatically.

3)  Do moderate exercise, which could be walking 30 to 60 minutes a day.

  1. 4) Improve your ability to deal with stress by learning a relaxation program, something like Yoga, Tai  Chi, meditation, or biofeedback.

Dr. Ornish has a number of books, his latest is:

The Spectrum: A Scientifically Proven Program to Feel Better, Live Longer, Lose Weight, and Gain Health  available through and other sellers.       

His article in Jama from 1998,  Intensive Lifestyle Changes for Reversal of Coronary Heart Disease,

Is Diet Enough?

Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn in his research suggested that its diet alone is enough.  He has good evidence that adherence to a low fat vegetarian diet predictably leads to the reversal of atherosclerosis.

Visit Dr. Esselstyn’s website.  You’ll find information about his book “Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease” and links to his articles.  You’ll also find an hour long video in his media section. 

See this article on Cholesterol and Heart Disease and Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke: Research on the Major Killers of Americans

Also see my pages Moving Toward a Plant-Based Diet for more information and resources

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