Supplements for Headache

*Be sure to read the last paragraph about possible side effects of supplements.

When asked about non-prescription preventative medications for headache, I usually recommend vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) or Co-Enzyme Q10.  I sometimes add magnesium if it does not interfere with medications that you are already taking.  I don't recommend that everyone take these supplements.  I will have discussed these with you in the office.

There have been a number of scientific trials looking at the effectiveness of non-prescription medications in the prevention of headaches.  The trials could be criticized as being too small, and compared to prescription treatments.  I may recommend the use of the supplements as long as they appear safe.  Feverfew and magnesium are two medications that should be discussed with your physician prior to taking, as they may have interactions with other medications.  Vitamin B2 and Coenzyme Q10 do not appear to have any significant side effects or interactions at the doses listed below.

Most Likely to be Useful as a Preventative Regimen

These are Taken Everyday, Take Either One not Both

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)    200-400 mg per day

Co-enzyme Q10   -- 100mg two or three times per day.  Anywhere between 200 mg and 600mg total per day.


May Be Helpful, But Not as Robust a Response in Scientific Studies

Magnesium 400mg to 800mg per day.  Take with food or else it may cause nausea.  Avoid taking it within 2 hours of other medications.

Feverfew 100mg per day


My web page   Alternative Treatments of Headaches,  discusses a few other supplements that I haven't been actively suggesting yet.  Mostly this is due to my lack of familiarity with them.  As I get to know some of these other supplements better, I may begin suggesting them.  I cannot actively suggest them at this point in my research. 

Notes on the Safety of Supplements

If you do start taking a supplement for headaches or any other disease, please let me know beforehand.  We can discuss the possible side effects, benefits, and drug interactions.  My saying about supplements is this:  If an isolated substance makes some change in the body and prevents or treats disease, it is a Drug.  If its a Drug, then it will have side effects.  All Drugs are in some way toxic to the body.   A Drug should be used if the perceived benefits far outweigh the possible side effects.  If this benefit versus side effect relationship cannot be defined, then it is wise to think twice before taking the Drug.    Supplements are drugs.  Just because they are sold in health food stores, does not make them health food, and does not make them safe.

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